If your design has a light green and a dark green, instead of using two colors, request that the printer use a half tone of the dark green as the light green. Your design will look slightly different, but you will be getting the look of ...
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June 28th, 2009 BAGHDAD - Two days ahead of the June 30 deadline for US troops to leave Iraqi cities and towns, Iraqi Defence Minister Abdel-Qadir al-Ubaidi Sunday struck a defiant btone/b. b..../b North America's Leading bGreen Hotel/b! #travel # bgreen/b #yyj http://tinyurl.com/nac77e; ritasimsan2000 RT @visitmilwaukee The largest "deutsche Partei" in North America starts on Thursday in Henry W. Maier Festival Park: http://bit.ly/12Ffy; mcgeek @katiewelch i think Shanghai held the ...